
My Right to Choose

Don't worry people I am not getting on a soap box about women's rights, however that is also my right but this is in reference to my right to choose when I teach my children about sexuality, and romantic love. I have had two conversations recently, the discussion was about a show for children and it introduces homosexuality, and complex romantic and family  relationships. The issue is that these relationships are with 12 year kids, on the Disney Channel not Freeform or Nick at Night. I have the right to chose when my kids are exposed to these things, but I feel like the media and society has taken that away from parents. For those of you who think this is borderline homophobia, it's not. I also feel like my kids should not be exposed to complex heterosexual relationships. Children are growing up to fast, and everyone says its a sign of the times, but I think it is over exposure. This particular show is about a group of friends who begin to realize they have romantic feeling

Is Being Mediocre Acceptable?

That movie was okay. The potatoes taste alright. She's a pretty good swimmer. When is being mediocre acceptable? In the age of photo shop, and filters, it seems that perfection has become the norm. Everyone is killing themselves to be their best selves, wives, moms, teachers, friends, players, etc. Everyone is supposedly so "Woke", however they shame each other for missteps, or inability to perform at certain levels. I am guilty of being mediocre in some area of my life everyday, and I do not apologize. I earn a 70%, I am a C+, and considered average at best at some point. I will not pretend that I have not participated in this charade of perfection, made an effort to be the best teacher, #1 mom, awesome wife, and a woman who does it effortlessly. I realized one day, and perhaps I will share that pivotal moment of complete clarity sometime; none the less I realized I was simply okay in some areas, good in others, and perfect at none. I decided that I was okay, my kids wer

You Have Been Misinformed: Does Love Require Compromise?

Occasionally I come across a person who is passionately sharing their ideas, and views on life that are in my opinion very skewed. These people and their opinions make for very lively conversation, and it becomes even more hilarious when they site social media posts as the source of these new found ideals. I have not walked the earth for that long, and I absolutely do not claim to be a relationship expert, but this new theory that "You should not have to compromise for love." is completely absurd. The person who proceeded to engage me in a very heated argument was Misinformed about what it means to compromise, and definitely misinformed about what it means to love. The definitions of compromise are listed below: com·pro·mise ˈkämprəˌmīz/ noun 1 . an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. "an ability to listen to two sides in a dispute, and devise a compromise acceptable to both" synonyms: a