Things Often Left Unsaid

As I have shared, I am a fan of a good old fashioned conversation, not a heated debate or argument as those are fueled by anger, or rage and less by understanding and intrigue. In Things Left Unsaid, I would like to share some of the very vulnerable stories, deep thoughts, and insightful poetry, I have had the opportunity to bare witness to. When you are with a group you are comfortable with or safe, you tend to share things that otherwise would not, and as it happens some people share things  with total strangers that they may otherwise never tell. They may or may not have a common theme but they are the things women keep bottled up, from others and sometimes themselves. The surprising thing about having a moment with a stranger is the different variations of a similar experience another person may have had. And sometimes, through reflection your outlook of what transpired or the effect that it once had on you may change as their account has been told.


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